Excerpt from


Rudolph Reed was oaken.
His wife was oaken too.
And his two good girls and his good little man
Oakened as they grew.

Gwendolyn Brooks at The Academy of American Poets

Gwendolyn Brooks at Modern American Poetry

Gwendolyn Brooks at Poetry Foundation

An interview with Gwendolyn Brooks

Steve Cape: Having heard you read several times, the readings seem a lot different from the poems as they come off when I'm reading them from a book. Does the idea of oral poetry seem more immediate or real to you than printed or written poetry?

Brooks: No. In fact, you might be surprised to know I have a visual appreciation for poetry myself. I'd rather ready anybody's work than listen to it. I can get something out of listening, but you can't pick up everything. But what I try to do in reciting is to give whoever is listening an impression of how I felt when I wrote the piece. I try to paint the poem on the air.

"We Real Cool"

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